Samuel Thompson


Walbury Hill, Berkshire

Time Taken 00:30 hrs
Date Completed April 13, 2019
Distance 3km
Height (above sea level) 297m
Height (actually climbed) 31m
Rank 19

The first stop on our Berkshire/Hampshire day out, we parked at the car park towards to the top of Gallows Down and though we could see the top of Walbury Hill from the car. We walked towards the radio antenna thinking it was the top, then after checking the map again we realised we’d gone the wrong way ?‍♂️

After turning back and heading in the opposite direction from the car we followed the byway for a while before coming across a gate in to a field that lead to the trig point for Walbury Hill. The field had lambs in so we were careful to not disturb them too much, and after a couple of photos to prove we’d been there it was back to the car to go to neighbouring Pilot Hill.