Samuel Thompson


Pilot Hill, Hampshire

Time Taken 00:30 hrs
Date Completed April 13, 2019
Distance 2.6km
Height (above sea level) 286m
Height (actually climbed) 40m
Rank 22

Part 2 of our Hampshire/Berkshire day, Pilot Hill was another short walk mainly due to Leah being on-call at work so we didn’t want to be too far from the car. The trig point for Pilot Hill is located slap bang in the middle of a farmers field, much like Walbury Hill was.

After taking the bridleway up a driveway to a (very nice!) house we hoped over the gate and walked through a small wooded area and on to a field. We kept to the boundary of this field and after passing through another small wooded area that didn’t seem to show on our OS map we turned SE and headed across the field until the trig point came in to view.