Samuel Thompson


Milk Hill, Wiltshire

Time Taken 00:47 hrs
Date Completed 27th April, 019
Distance 4km
Height (above sea level) 294m
Height (actually climbed) 192m
Rank 21

Milk Hill was a bit of a disappointment really, as there was nothing to signify the top of the hill (or at least that we could find!) We ended up having to just wander around a field until our GPS said we’d hit the highest spot, which was right in the middle of a field!

Much like Oxfordshire, it was blowing a gale at Milk Hill and at one point it actually made it hard to stand up!! Wearing a hat was perhaps not the best choice of the day, but my ears hurt too much not to. The views from the walk up to the top were well worth it though 🙂